
Members are medical practitioners who are practicing urological surgery in Kenya at the time of their election, and who continue in urological practice.

The membership fall into the following categories:

  • Full members: Should be a specialized member recognized by the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board (KMPD) and are officially accredited by KAUS to practice Urology in Kenya.
  • Associate members: These are consultants who are not designated urologists, trainees of appropriate academic status practicing urology, or others engaged in branches of medicine related to urology in Kenya. Trainees in recognized urological schemes in countries outside Kenya may be accepted as Associate Members at the discretion of the Executive Council. An Associate member who becomes an officially designated consultant urologist in Kenya accredited by KAUS can automatically become a Full Member.
  • Senior Members: These are Full Members who have reached the age of sixty-five. A Full Member retiring before the age of sixty-five is eligible for election to Senior Membership. Senior Members receive the Kenya Journal of Urology free of charge.
  • Honorary Members: These are persons who have made a distinguished contribution to urology or who have achieved outstanding prominence in a field of medicine related to urology in Kenya or any other country. They pay no annual subscription. Honorary Members receive the Kenya Journal of Urology, if they so wish, free of charge.

Only Full Members are eligible to vote at a General Meeting and to hold office. If the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer or Immediate Past-Chairman is elected to Senior Membership during his term of office, this will not invalidate his continued occupancy of that post.

Membership and Subscription

The Association currently as of the end of 2020 has sixty-four (64) paid-up members. Forty-three (43) full members and twenty-one (21) Associate members. The constitution however has a wide range of members from full members, Associate members, Senior Members and Honorary Members. Generally, the entrance membership fee is KShs.20,000/= payable by each member on enrollment as a Member of the Society. This amount is determined from time to time by the Executive Council and ratified at the Annual General Meeting.

The annual subscription varies with the category of membership as follows:

  • Full Members pay the annual subscription of KShs 20,000/= not later than the 15th day of February of each year.
  • Associate Members pay the annual subscription of KShs 5,000/= not later than 15th February of each year.
  • Senior Members pay no annual subscription.
  • Honorary Members pay no annual subscription.

Governance structure

Candidates for Full membership are proposed by two Full Members of the Association. Their names are sent to the Secretary not less than six weeks before the next Executive Council Meeting for election. The elections are confirmed at the Annual General Meeting. Candidates for Associate Membership are proposed by either two Full members or one Full Member and one Associate Member, and are elected by the Executive Council.

The Executive Council is responsible for the arrangements of the Annual General Meeting and all other business of the Association and always meet at the call of the Secretary in consultation with the Chairman. Three members shall form a quorum. The executive has the power to elect Honorary Members as they think fit provided that they fulfill the conditions of Rule 3(e). The Executive Council consists of: The Chairman, the Vice-Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Immediate Past-Chairman.

Office Bearers

The current office bearers of the society comprise of:

  • Chairman – Dr. P. Gitobu Mburugu
  • Vice-Chairman – Dr. Samuel N.K. Waweru
  • Secretary – Dr James Ikol Adung’o
  • Treasurer – Dr. Francis Osawa
  • Immediate Former Chairman – Dr. Saeed Samnakay